Dandruff and its causes- Why to use the best anti dandruff shampoo available

If you have been suffering from the problem of having an itchy scalp or flakes in your hair, you may be tempted to just reach for the nearest dandruff shampoo. Before you do, read on to find out common misconceptions about the irritating condition — and get experts' advice on dealing with it.

 Having dandruff can be embarrassing. It’s not something you yourself can notice right away because it’s located where your eyes can’t spot them. You only usually find out you have dandruff after someone notices it and tells you, which can be very awkward. But with proper treatment and the use of anti-dandruff shampoo, you will see an improvement in the visible flakes spotted on your shoulders, pillow, and the top of your head.

That is why it is recommended to buy the best anti dandruff shampoo available and use it regularly!

Let us first take a closer look at anti-dandruff shampoos and how to know if your anti-dandruff shampoo is even working.

What is dandruff and what causes it?

Dandruff is a skin condition. It’s not contagious nor harmful, and it’s more common than you think. Our scalp, just like the rest of our skin, contains a protective barrier to prevent water loss and keep our scalp hydrated.  Some of the factors such as stress, diet, overuse of certain hair products, and even changes in temperature and low humidity can disturb this barrier. When this happens, your scalp suffers from water loss, which can cause inflammation and the appearance of white flakes, also known as dandruff.

How does anti-dandruff shampoo fight dandruff?

Anti-dandruff shampoos contain an antifungal agent or keratolytic agent. Antifungal agents attack the microorganisms on the scalp that we believe are the primary cause of dandruff—these are known as Malassezia, by treating the scalp with an antifungal such as Zinc Pyrithione or Octopirox or Climbazole, the degree of Malassezia on the scalp can be diminished or expelled, which empowers the scalp to recoup back to ordinary.

Meanwhile, keratolytic agents address the symptoms of dandruff. The most common keratolytic is salicylic acid which essentially breaks up clumps of dry skin. Often the two types of agents can be combined into a dual-action type formulation. When buying anti-dandruff shampoos, it’s best to look at the ingredients list and check if these agents are present. In this way, you’ll know that your anti-dandruff shampoo has what it takes to fight dandruff and prevent its recurrence. Now you can choose and buy the best anti dandruff shampoo for your hair!


  1. In this article, you will now know how to recognize your hair type as African American hair. Besides we will provide you the trusted information about the Best Dandruff Shampoo For African American Hair. The product we provide you has an honest review from our best expert.


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